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Mixed, arranged and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Mixed, arranged and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
All tracks mixed and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Includes : There Is a Moment, I Wonder (feat. Qendresa), Never for Money, Always for Love (feat. J. Caesar), Interlude, Tomorrow (feat. RZA), Try Me, Searching, As Far as I Can Remember, Like Children in Candy Stores (feat. RZA), Letter to My Friends
Mixed, arranged and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Introspection, Manque de sommeil, Blessings, Koboy, All Eyes On Me, Désillusion, Style libre, Baltimore, Nostalgie, Charbon, Nouveau départ, et Vie d’artiste mixed and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Longues vies, Pas sortable and Off the Grid mixed, arranged and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
New York mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Mixed, arranged and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Album recorded, arranged, mixed and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Includes C’est pas grave, Testament, Chambre 112, Rayon X, La reine du bal, Vampire, Drama, Blabla, Bateau ivre, Toute la night, Jrefaiscequejevois, Cache-Cache, Adieu bientôt, Bart Simpson, Mirador, Borderline, La gloire ou l’asile, Labo photo, Teen Spirit, Stockholm, Virgin Suicide, Boîte noire, Âge d’or, En vain, Topless, Indochine, Brûler, Le bal des fous, Biographie, Puzzle
Album mixed, arranged and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Includes : The System, Only One, Too Much, Look, The Spot, Bad Boy, Handle, Study, Boss Chick (feat. Anna Majidson), Don’t Matter, This Time, Hard Ways, Blood and Soil (feat. Faada Freddy)
All tracks recorded, mixed and mastered by Nikola Feve “Nk.F”
Au DD , Déconnecté, Menace, Shenmue, Capuché, Sibérie, Comme pas deux, Hasta la vista music composed and produced by Nk.F & Joa [TrackBastardz]
Includes : Au DD, Autre monde, Chang, Blanka, 91’s, À l’ammoniaque, Celsius, Deux frères, Hasta la vista, Cœurs, Shenmue, Kuta ubud, Menace, Zoulou tchaing, Déconnecté, La misère est si belle, Ryuk, Comme pas deux, Sibérie, Bang, Capuche (Version Blanche), Frontières (Version Noire)